These wonderful classic houses can still be found in areas such as Coopers Plains.
And, from our experience inspecting these types of houses, they are absolutely incredible.
They were part of a State Government Housing plan to build affordable housing for the working class.
And, they were built in the late 1950's and early 1960's by Dutch and other European Immigrant Builders.
They were from the Q.H.C, the Qld Housing Commission, and part of the deal for the immigrant builders, was that they got to own one of the houses they built - what a brilliant scheme!.
And 60-70 years later, we get to inspect some of them and amazingly, we have never seen one of these houses that has any serious structural damages at all.
So, if you are in-the market for a fixer upper, they are terrific houses to update and renovate.

What a great legacy those genuine, honest hard-working European immigrants brought to our country.



It's really important to find the actual cause of the cracks, so that any repairs will last and cracks don't re-appear again and again.

That's why the owner of this Carindale house called Forensic Engineers to prepare an expert Structural Engineer Report.

He was renovating, but found that patched wall cracks kept opening up, again and again.
Our expert investigation found old and recent subsidence & cracks and footing settlements as as well as footing rotation (leaning).
We also identified that there was a serious problem with the foundations.
The house was built on an old gully that had been filled in and the landfill was subsiding bit-by-bit, year-after-year and this was causing the house cracks.
We recommended that stabilizing the footings and permanent wall crack repair would require underpinning of most of the house footings with conventional underpinning.
Home renovations are expensive.
If you are a home owner and have worrying wall or ceiling cracks, and you think maybe there may be subsidence, it's really important to get an expert independent Engineer Subsidence Report from the get-go.


Springfield Lakes House Subsiding; Resin Underpinning Required.

This house has a waffle-pod slab that has gradual subsidence at the front. And it is causing causing house cracks and gaps that are slowly getting larger and larger. The owner wants to stabilize the slab then start re-painting. And wisely, he called Forensic Engineers to conduct an investigation.

Our thorough Structural Engineer Report found that in this case, the ground conditions were Suitable for the Use of Polyurethane Structural Resin.  Deep & Shallow Injection would be required to densify the founding soils, and re-support the front of the house slab.

If you are considering Underpinning, but are confused by sales "hype", which method is the best and how much should it cost?  Contact Forensic Engineers for an independent opinion before signing any contract for Conventional Underpinning, Resin Underpinning, or Steel Screw Pier Underpinning.

We are on your side. And we are not trying to sell you anything!

Subsidence Structural Engineer Report Required

Subsidence; Structural Engineer Report Required.

Augustine Heights property with serious subsidence and a huge sink-hole opened up under this house on the market.
Our investigation found that loose landfill had consolidated, but the house slab was well supported with piers and the house was absolutely stable: "sound-as-a pound"!
The buyer & the seller were thrilled with our fast, no-nonsense, affordable Structural Engineer Report.


Forest Lake House on the Market. An excellent Building & Pest Inspection identified gaps in window reveals and door jambs due to possible subsidence & we were asked to investigate. Our Structural Engineer Report found that there had been some initial settlements that opened some gaps, but the house was quite stable. We found that there was no requirement for any structural repairs (underpinning) and the gaps could be sealed where required. Peace-of-mind for the seller & buyer. Home owners & buyers with subsidence issues can rely on Forensic Engineers for an honest, independent report. www.forensic-engineers.com.au


SUBSIDENCE ENGINEER REPORT REQUIRED. Footing settlements, large wall gaps. Our Structural Engineer Report in this case found there had been some settlements and footing rotation but it had stopped long ago and the garage footings and walls were stable. No need for expensive underpinning! The home owner was thrilled. We investigate these cases every day for home owners, home buyers, property managers, Body Corps & Strata managers. When subsidence occurs, before contacting an Underpinning Sales Rep, it pays to contact Forensic Engineers for an expert independent Structural Engineer Report.



A Typical Day for Forensic Engineers.

A Pimpama house with seriously defective & damaged stumps.

We found this house required massive repair building. The owner was planning renovations and wanted to make sure the sub-floor was stable and strong. But oh-my-goodness! We found considerable defective construction & deterioration of elements. The renovations would not be a good investment unless the problems under the floor were significantly upgraded.

A Deebing Heights house with suspicious masonry joint gap

Ground movements had occurred and were ongoing. We found the house could be stabilized without underpinning. A Great Result!

A Coomera house with the slab edge beam exposed

Subsidence had occurred, but there were no slab deflections. A Brilliant Result.

A Collingwood Park house with massive slab deflections.

Massive underpinning & lifting would be required. Unlikely that it would be practical. There are some cases where underpinning houses with this much movements, can achieve a reasonable result. But in most cases the house frame and sheeting and cabinetry will not tolerate the stresses and severe damages result. In some cases the founding clay soils adhere to the footings and the footings do not want to lift.

Specializing in house subsidence issues; our Expert Structural Engineer Reports determine the extent of damages, causes & repair methods.


RAIN WATER TANK +WAFFLE POD SLAB = Wall cracks & gaps. Our Structural Engineer Report found there had been leaks from the pipes & soil swell had lifted the slab under corner of the house. The drain pipe was repaired & eventually the soil swell will abate & the cracks & gaps will reduce significantly.


BUILDING & PEST REPORT WAS BRILLIANT: They spotted a number of possible problems under this house. Our Structural Engineer Report found serious problems with brick columns supporting the timber floor and with the perimeter brick base.
We found that this Holland Park house was built on an old filled gully and the ground has been subsiding for decades. And dodgy repairs had also been done bit-by-bit year after year.
The damages are serious and proper repairs require complete replacement of the house footings and brick base & columns.
Our client was the buyer and she was very grateful that she had a report from Forensic Engineers to help with her purchase negotiations.

Redland Bay House subsidence: Wall Cracks Growing

Wall Cracks, Subsidence Engineer Report Required: Call Forensic Engineers! Our investigation for the owner of this Wellington Point House found gradual footing settlements were slowly progressing and damaging the house. The cause was site preparation included cut and fill, plus large trees had been removed, and loose material was under some of the footings.
The best way to stabilize the house was with conventional underpinning utilizing reinforced concrete piers. Other methods such as Steel Screw Piers were more expensive and Urethane Resin was not applicable in this case.
Mehrtens Underpinning & Construction did brilliant work with the underpinning and all of the building repairs were included in their scope.